Blog & News

What can you find in our articles? New trends for job hunting, tips on what to include in your CV, and all kinds of advice related to HR. You’ll also find the latest news about Talent Search People Group, everything happening in our offices, and all the updates we are incorporating into our consultancy.


Outsourcing Recruitment: Optimizing RPO with Talent Search People

In an increasingly competitive business environment, attracting and retaining talent has become a strategic priority. This is where Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) comes into play, a methodology that is transforming how companies approach recruitment. At Talent Search People, a leading HR consultancy, we understand the importance and benefits of this innovative approach.

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Celebrating the Female Role in Human Resources: A Toast to Us

At Talent, we are proud to have organized once again a meaningful event like ‘A Toast to Us,’ a celebration of the female role in Human Resources held in collaboration with Edenred. This event not only provided an opportunity to honor the achievements of women in our industry but also highlighted the importance of their presence in leadership roles.

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Outsourcing Recruitment: Optimizing RPO with Talent Search People

In an increasingly competitive business environment, attracting and retaining talent has become a strategic priority. This is where Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) comes into play, a methodology that is transforming how companies approach recruitment. At Talent Search People, a leading HR consultancy, we understand the importance and benefits of this innovative approach.

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Celebrating the Female Role in Human Resources: A Toast to Us

At Talent, we are proud to have organized once again a meaningful event like ‘A Toast to Us,’ a celebration of the female role in Human Resources held in collaboration with Edenred. This event not only provided an opportunity to honor the achievements of women in our industry but also highlighted the importance of their presence in leadership roles.

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