
How to be productive on vacation

August 19th 2020

We all wait for holidays with enthusiasm and passion. Disconnection and peace are the most valuable issues during vacation. However, we can also be productive on vacation. During this period we enjoy hobbies, friends, family, trips… but personal productivity make your hours perform at their best and allows us to spend time doing what we want.

There are common things that we usually do on holidays that make our disconnection difficult.

Most of people wake up very late, getting out of sheets much later than usual. Of course, we are on vacation but the best way to start the day will be getting up early enough to have more time for you.

Spending all day in our phones is one of the most common things that people do when they are on holidays. We already spend enough time on them during the whole year. On holiday we have the possibility to do different things that we cannot do during the work period, so stop being slaves of our phones and let’s enjoy free time! There is much more out there than what our phones can give to us!

Very close to the first time, it is the fact that we are up late at night watching television or surfing on the internet.

So let’s see some tips to put into practice in your next vacation:

Get rid of the mess
To start again with routine in a more orderly way, put yourself one hour a day during your holidays to clean and arrange your personal space. During work period you don’t have time to do that closet cleaning you always want to do so take advantage of your holidays to do it and come back with a little less cluttered.


Make those long calls
Make those long calls that in you daily routine do not fit. Some good friends from the past, distant relatives… those talks than can happily be extended hours and are sometimes complicated to schedule in you day a day.


Set new goals
Maybe this is the most important advice. When we are on holiday we have more time available so we can have a moment to take a look into the future. Take advantage of less stressing moments to set new goals, new plans and, why not, new trips. Make a breakdown of those serious and ambitious objectives into smaller ones, maybe they are easy to reach and can be more satisfying.


Enjoy the first hours of the day
It is one of the fundamental habits to be productive on vacation. Those first hours of the day will be able to use them in your favor, taking advantage of the fact that the rest of the people is still sleeping. Do everything you have to review. Enjoy the rest of the day with family or friends.

Pause the email

Vacations are the perfect time to disconnect a bit from the email. You already spend the rest of the year reviewing it daily. Check it maximum once per day.


Read a good book
Reading is one of the best actions to disconnect and enrich ourselves. It can help to be more productive whether you are sunbathing or in the living room, reading is a basic habit that will help you to achieve your goals.

Forget about multitasking
Multitasking can be your worst enemy. It is a factor to avoid if you want to be productive on vacation. Stop jumping from one thing to another, pay attention and dedicate 100% of your head to enjoy what you are doing.


Do not forget the exercise
Do not stop doing a minimum physical activity to be healthy, a morning walk or some laps in the pool. Make just a few daily stretches to activate your body.

Being productive on vacation does not have to be complicated. Take advantage of your relaxing hours to get much greater mood.

Written by Alba Giménez

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