
How to Write a Welcome Email to New Employees

August 13th 2020

I recall the nights before I started a few of the job positions I have held in the past. For companies that had sent me a warm new employee welcome email before my resumption, I was often calmer and eased in smoothly in my new role, compared to others where I didn't receive any welcome email. Research on workplace communication shows that while 60% of employees won't read HR emails, the read rate for welcome emails is at 91%.

It goes to show that composing and sending out a new employee welcome email is an essential step towards your organization's effective orientation process. In the welcome note for a new hire, an employer welcomes them to the workplace with a guide to help them prepare for the first day.

When sending out such emails, it is helpful to bear in mind that starting a new job can be quite nerve-racking. Set a tone that welcomes the new hire and makes them feel a bit more secure in their new position. They should feel like they are part of the team already. Write with the purpose of welcoming, preparing, and helping to orient the new employee on their arrival expectations. Tell them a bit about yourself and what their first day will be like. Don't forget to get writing and editing tools so you can write a professional quality email.

Here are useful tips to help you draft the perfect "welcome note for a new hire."

Introduce Yourself
To help ease a new hire's tension and curiosity, you can start by welcoming them and then telling them a bit about yourself. Tell the employee things such as your brief progression in the company, as a new hire yourself to your current position. Sharing memories on your first day at work can also help ease the new employee's mind.

The introduction should be done in a few sentences; you don't want to overshare so that you can tell them more in person later. Above all, your goal should be to strike a welcoming tone in your email.

Personalize the Email
Another way to set a welcoming tone is to make use of the new hire's name all through the email. It will make them feel they are talking to a real person rather than the "company." They will also feel a better connection, trust you, and feel more relaxed once they arrive.

So when typing, use more of "You" instead of 'I' and 'We.' Also, please make use of their first names. Your message gets conveyed better, and they will feel like you are focused on them and not just the company's needs.

Please Provide them with Information and Direction
Every new hire feels a mix of excitement, fear, and uncertainty of how their first day at work might go. You can help them by providing proper information about when their day starts, and remind them of the location. Let them know the details of what day one will entail.

Will the day be spent doing an orientation, or will they get right into doing some real work? What are your expectations for them? Also, inform them if they will need to bring anything with them on their first day. You can intimate them on the reasons for bringing them on board, and where you see them going in the company with time.

Show Excitement
Your welcome email should be able to convey to the new employee that you are excited about them joining the company, just as they are. Start the email with a catchy subject that will excite them. Use more friendly tones and try not to sound intimidating. Give them a glimpse of the kind of community they are coming into. Your words should be able to make them feel relaxed.

Emails can begin with a friendly "Welcome" or "Congratulations." Such messages will make them feel competent and motivated to join your team.

Use Online Tools to Get a Perfect Welcome Email
A welcome email needs to be perfectly written; you want to put your best foot forward, so if writing doesn't come naturally to you, no worries! There are professional tools and resources you can use. You can get writing review services from Online Writers Rating to compose a professionally written welcome email.

Furthermore, you can include subheadings, bullet points, and bold each vital part of the mail. What this does is to make the email more readable and less confusing to the new employee. Special effects, infographics, images, or videos can also help clarify your point to the new hire.

Address any Concerns they Might Have
An excellent way to show your new employees that you care is to let them know they can reach you in case they need to clarify any concerns they might have. Please provide them with different contact channels (including yours) to help them get the information they might need. Alert them on when you will be reachable, so they know what time it's best to contact you.

Let your Company's Spirit Shine!
If you want to show your company's spirit, then a welcome email is the best place to let it shine through. Tell them of the company's unique culture, employee etiquette, etc. For example, let them know if your organization is a formal or casual set up.

For casual workspaces, you can show them examples of how your staff relax or take a break at work. Please show them some of the organization's facilities, etc. While for a more formal set up, you can let them know of the standards that are most important to you. Share your dress codes for work or formal parties, etc.

You want your new employee to give their best once they get to work. An excellent welcome email can help them feel comfortable and ease right into it. Remember always to use the right tone, information, and resources to help ease their anxieties as they become a productive part of your team.

Written by Frank Hamilton

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