
Tips to make a good job interview

October 9th 2020

In job interviews, certain behaviors can be eliminatory regardless of the quality of your CV and whatever your motivation. Of course, nothing is lost if you are really a good candidate... but its best to avoid putting your foot in it!

Here are 10 common errors you should avoid:

Not being cordial / arriving late
It is very difficult to get rid of a bad first impression. You should know that an interview starts from the entry into the company: a rude or late candidate will be automatically cataloged without embarrassment by the recruiter. In the latter case, excuses are the least we can expect and may save you the bet…

Fashion style
We can never blame you for having done too much: the question "should I put a tie / high shoes? In doubt, always favor the yes. Even if the company is considered "young and relaxed", you must be concerned and serious. However, beware of the "penguin" effect, choose a tailor / high shoes in which you feel comfortable.


Show how important the position is for you
The stress at the approach of an interview is a perfectly normal state. It is very important to control it or, at least, not to let it appear. Recruiters will be sure to notice your slightest nervous "ticks" and will feel immediately if you are uncomfortable. There are many relaxation exercises that can help you understand this situation.

Another mistake: do not look into the eyes of his interlocutor... no question of staring or defying eyes, but a look away is equally unacceptable. Your whole attitude must prove that you are present, focused and involved!

Being too self-confident / arrogant
The difference between a sure candidate and an arrogant candidate is often minimal. By force of affirmations, you will lose all credibility. Use examples, anecdotes to illustrate your comments. Do not be afraid to be modest by choosing phrases like "I was lucky enough to ..."

Not knowing about the company
Too often, candidates fail to learn about the company. Reading the ad is not enough. Knowing the position but also the company, its sector, its competitors will allow you to remain silent in front of the recruiter and to exchange with him, to show him that the position is already in your hands and that it interests you... , with internet now you have no more excuses!

Recite your resume
It is very important to control your career and know how to talk about it. However, avoid responding too fast and especially, to seem to know your CV by heart. To look natural is essential! In other words, when planning your interview, think about the main lines but do not memorize your answers. Also try to adapt your speech to the person in front of you and to the company... according to the expectations described in the job description, it's up to you to highlight THE part of the CV that will hit the mark!

Talking too much
Here we are dealing with the opposite of the previous error: the interview goes on, you feel more and more comfortable... Either. But be careful not to fall into the excess of familiarity and not to dwell on your personal life! It is the recruiter who should lead the discussion: do not discuss personal matters only if he or she invites you to do so.

Focusing too much on salary
Questions of the type "What remuneration do you propose? Or "How many days of RTT can I ask? Are to be avoided during the first interview. Because, even if these advantages are elements to take into account, they will not be approached if the recruiter is interested in your candidacy and proposes you a new interview.

Not asking questions
At the end of an interview, a "good recruiter" will always ask you if you have questions to ask. It is often a delicate step for the candidate, but to remain silent is not the solution. A simple question will reflect your interest in the job and the company. For example, you can ask a question about the tools you would have to work, the structure of the company...

Not having prepared the trick questions
The process of an interview is governed by certain codes and there are questions you can not escape. These "trap" questions must be prepared so as not to feel destabilized during the interview. These questions do not arrive at 100% of interviews but if they arrive and you are "dry", your blocking can make bad impression.

To think that one will be more spontaneous if one did not prepare anything: it is quite the opposite. Master your CV on your fingers!


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