
You’re Hired: How To Compose The Perfect Job Offer Letter Email

October 23rd 2020

The purpose of a job offer letter email is twofold - firstly, it offers the role to the candidate in writing, confirming the offer of a job. Secondly, a job offer email can present further information to the candidate, including company policies and beyond. As well as this, however, a job offer email is the first opportunity to begin the relationship with a new employee, and a well composed email will ensure your candidate understands the standards to which your company operates. Read on to discover how to compose the perfect job offer email.

Make A Call
Before you compose your job offer email, pick up the phone to offer the job to the chosen candidate verbally. Whilst an email, including all of the information they need to know as well as the full details of the offer, is a valuable format, bringing a new candidate on board is an exciting time.

A phone call gives both the candidate and a recruiter to make a deeper connection that can’t take place in the formal atmosphere of the interview room: over the phone, with an offer on the table, both parties can relax and begin the process of orientation.

Begin With An Attention-Grabbing Subject
As a matter of due course, all emails should include a subject line to give the recipient an indication of what the contents of the email contain. This is true for a job offer email, and so recruiters should choose an attention-grabbing subject that means the email stands out in the applicant’s inbox.

“An email’s subject should be short, sharp and punchy,” says Charlotte Abernade, HR at OXEssays and StateOfWriting. “Keep the subject under 50 characters and ensure that there is no ambiguity around the job offer.” Include the role which is being offered to the candidate and make your company’s name prominent in the title.


Include The Relevant Documents
Once the job offer has been verbally extended to the candidate via a phone call, the email can contain the bulk of the documentation that relates to the job. Attaching these documents to your job offer email will ensure that the candidate has a record of everything saved in their email.

Company policies, benefit plans and other job specific documents can be included as .pdf attachments. At this stage it’s important to include only the most relevant documents, as policies and plans are essential information for your candidate and further, less urgent documents can reduce a candidate’s uptake of information.

Answer Some Questions
“At the same time as offering a candidate a job in an email, it can be helpful to provide a brief FAQ. Draw on your experience as a recruiter to predict some of the popular questions a candidate has, and answer them briefly at the bottom of your job offer email,” says Henry Cuthill, manager at Australianhelp and Academized.

For example, offering a candidate a short roadmap to illuminate “what happens now” can bring clarity to the process of onboarding your candidate. A job offer email can include more detailed information that a candidate needs to know before they take on a role in your company, so now’s the chance to pre-empt those nagging questions.

Take time to ensure that your email is spell checked and contains perfect grammar, as this is one of the early interactions in which you can demonstrate your professionality and ensure that the candidate knows the high standards that employees in your company are held to. There are some great editing and proofreading tools available online, such as Paper Fellows, Big Assignments, and Eliteassignmenthelp. A tool such as Simplegrad can help your email read to the highest standard.

The Email Body
The framework of the job offer can be included in the body of an email or as an attachment, simulating a physical letter. The choice is yours. If you choose to add the job offer letter as an attachment, make sure it stands out amongst any further documentation you have provided. If the letter goes into the body of the email in plaintext, include all the necessary details - don’t break up the letter so that they have to search for an attachment later.

You’ll have the perfect template for a job offer letter on your hands, and your candidate will understand the high standards to which your company operates. Get to work!

Katherine Rundell is a career writer at Coursework Help and Boomessays Reviews services and a manager at Essayroo.com. She is an HR consultant and supports businesses grow their skillset through recruitment and employee engagement.

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