
How has working from home changed the world of working?

November 15th 2022


The pandemic of the coronavirus or covid-19, suffered worldwide, has meant a rapid and radical change that has led us to adopt new working models in the world of work, the most important of which is the implementation of teleworking, which has enabled many companies to continue with their work activity, despite the confinement. However, not all sectors were able to take up this type of work, due to the characteristics of the activity they carry out, such as the agricultural sector, services or commerce.

What is a reality is that, from that moment on, remote work offers have skyrocketed in the largest European capitals and developed countries in general.
This possibility of remote work opens up many opportunities for improvement, both for workers and companies.

Workers, among other advantages, improve the balance between their personal and family life and their professional development; they save time, as they do not have to travel and money in transport costs to work centres, and they achieve greater time flexibility. Another very important aspect is that they can apply for jobs outside their geographical location without having to leave their place of residence, something they could not do before.
Above all, companies save on infrastructure, utility and energy costs and reduce accidents at work and absenteeism. In addition, this way of working makes it possible to recruit professionals who are more in line with the skills and competencies required for the job offered by being able to recruit workers from any geographical location, without having to stick to the location of the workplace.

Teleworking, therefore, makes it easier for companies to attract talent, to form teams of professionals with the best skills to carry out their work. Thanks to new technologies, tools and devices that allow remote work, it is possible to work together, quickly and efficiently, to achieve the company's objectives, without the obligation for all team members to be in the same physical space.
But it is not all advantages, there are also disadvantages, among the most mentioned, for workers, the lack of social relations with colleagues; the lack of a suitable space to work in some homes; some workers do not have the skills and digital training necessary to develop their work autonomously at home and there may be a possible deterioration of family life by being at home all day together. For the company, as negative points, we can highlight the lack of a sense of belonging to the company that workers may suffer; the lack of knowledge of the culture and joint values that define the company project or the increase in expenses for digital devices, among others.
Taking all of the above into account, we find companies that offer their workers the possibility of face-to-face, teleworking or hybrid work, although there are companies that have not continued with the teleworking option after confinement. Many of those that continue with this option have opted for the hybrid model, combining face-to-face work and teleworking, since, nowadays, when someone is considering a change at a professional level, there is a general demand for the possibility of teleworking, work flexibility and reconciliation of personal and professional life, even, in some cases, taking precedence over remuneration. This new situation generated as a result of the pandemic must be taken into account by companies when recruiting talent.

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