
Cleo Benusiglio answers about new trends in HR for Equipos y Talento

May 16th 2023

How are recruitment processes adapting to the new needs of the labour market in terms of soft and hard skills?  

In order to attract the best talent in today's competitive market, in addition to technical skills and competencies, companies seek to understand the individual aptitudes of each candidate, in order to find out whether or not the applicant would fit in with the workforce.  

In the selection processes, in addition to analysing and evaluating technical competencies with tests and trials, they use different methods to identify soft skills, such as the STAR method, designed to evaluate the different skills through the analysis of past situations and the candidate's development in them. This tool helps to assess performance and fit with the company culture, an essential aspect when selecting talent.  

Related to the issue of corporate culture, another trend is to add different steps in the selection process, in and out of the office, involving, for example, future co-workers to get a 360-degree view of people and to assess competencies such as teamwork, empathy and collaboration.   



How do the new technologies used in recruitment processes contribute to this? What technologies does your company rely on?  

It is very important to mention that the new trends in recruitment place the candidate's experience at the centre of the process, as the candidate must be attracted not only by the tasks of the position but also, and above all, by the company culture and the values that are presented to him/her during the selection phase.  

For this reason, employer branding is a methodology that is gaining more and more importance in recruitment processes, as it helps to attract and retain the best talent. The marketing department, together with human resources, plays a central role in this process of attracting talent.  

Speaking of new technologies, the different business areas are now complemented by the management of information and data, thus creating the need for the implementation of artificial intelligence to facilitate the process of analysing the information collected. The online selection of candidates allows a multitude of applicants to access the same job from any geographical location. In order to be able to analyse all applicants one by one, the implementation of digital tools that assess the individual skills of all candidates quickly and efficiently, greatly facilitates the recruiters' search work. The use of technology streamlines the selection process, allowing less time and focus to be spent on pre-selection and filtering, as well as focusing interviews on detecting quality and talent, thus making the process more efficient. 


Tell us what other innovations your company has introduced in the recruitment process or a recent successful experience.  

At Talent Search people, we have recently introduced an interview coordination tool that connects our ATS directly to WhatsApp in order to have a more direct and faster communication than the normal and typical email. This has helped us to have a more automated interview coordination procedure, giving us more space to focus on the qualitative aspects of capturing candidates' skills and competencies.   

Talent has also invested in selection processes that involve, as a final step in the internal process, an out-of-office coffee with a member of the team, as we believe that cultural fit and teamwork skills are those aspects that make the difference when selecting talent.  



Are clients reticent or conservative when it comes to introducing new things, or do they openly embrace new trends?  

The labour market presents different business realities, considering the multitude of sectors, policies, cultures or dimensions. These aspects can have an influence on whether or not to adapt innovations. What is certain is that there is a common awareness of the need to adapt to the changing and demanding environments of modern times. For this reason, in addition to the "typical" skills of problem solving, communication, coordination, among others, the concepts of flexibility and adaptability assume ever greater importance in this world of digitalisation as they facilitate the implementation of new technologies and trends in the HR world.   


Cleo Benusiglio, Business Director 

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