Are you about to start college and don't know what to study? Do you want to continue your education for a better professional future? Current trends have changed, the world no longer demands the same university careers as a couple of decades ago. In relation to the contents and training have been changing and evolving to adapt to the new world. Here you will find a list of the 5 university careers with more future in 2022, taking into account degrees adapted to the future and current trends according to a study by the University-Business Foundation and Infoempleo.
1. Business Administration and Management (ADE)
The university degree with more future continues to be Business Administration and Management. This degree is considered to be the one with the most professional opportunities in Spain. It has maintained for several years the first place being the career with more growth within all the current job offers. If you are interested in the world of corporate administration and management, this degree is the one that stands out the most. It is considered the career with the most professional opportunities in Spain. It has even maintained the first place for several consecutive years, being the career that has grown the most within the job offers.
So if you are interested in the world of corporate administration and management, you already know that this career stands out as the most demanded in the labor market.
2. Industrial Engineering
With 4.6% of the job offers is Industrial Engineering. It has recently moved up to second place since it was previously lower in the ranking.
3. Computer Science.
Although this career has experienced a slight decrease in job offers, it still continues to position itself as one of the professional careers with more outlets. So, if you are interested in this industry, you should give it a chance, given its relevance in the job market and its different specializations.
Computer Science, according to Business Insider Spain, owns 3.8% of the offers that request a university degree as a mandatory requirement. This degree continues to be one of the most popular careers.
4. Business Administration and Law
This double degree is the third most chosen option in job offers. It is ranked with a 3.6 and its purpose is to prepare you in two of the vital areas for any company and which are inseparable: business management and the legal world. With this training the professional attractiveness increases considerably.
5. Labor Sciences, Labor Relations and Human Resources
Labor Sciences are a very important link for any company, no matter its size, its economic activity, or its sector. It is essential for the proper functioning of a company. It accounts for 3.3% of the total demand.
Finally, if you have already finished your university studies or if you are tired of your job and are looking for a new opportunity, click here and access all our offers and register.