
5 tips to be more productive at work

May 25th 2022

In every company there are those who are organised and productive and those who are not so organised and productive... If you want to perform at your best during your working day and be able to complete all your tasks, read carefully these 5 tips that will help you to be more productive at work.

  1. Set priorities and use task organisers.

Establish a daily ranking of priorities in relation to your goals, so you can differentiate what is really important from what is not. It is a technique that always works because you can see what you have done and what you have left. In this way you will be able to keep track of what you have to do.

A very simple way is to use task organisers to have everything at a glance on your computer, so you can mark in time what you have to do, what you are doing and what you have already completed.

  1. Start with the most complicated tasks.

A large number of studies show that carrying out the heaviest or most difficult tasks first thing in the morning generates great benefits. On the one hand, at the beginning of the day you are much stronger and it will not be as much effort as in the afternoon when you will already be more tired; while, on the other hand, having completed a task that we were more worried about, will improve our mood and will make us more willing to face new tasks, besides the fact that they will be much easier.

  1. Take into account the time you dedicate to each task.

As every second counts, we advise you to control the time you spend on each task during the day. Nowadays there are a lot of applications that allow you to control how much time you spend on social networks, managing your email or with any task you want to measure. This way you will be able to see how much time you spend on tasks that are more unproductive, to change your habits and spend your time better, focusing on what is really important.

  1. "The 2-minute rule", your great ally.

Did you know this rule before? It is an unwritten rule that helps you to make the most of those small periods of time. The idea is that if you know that a task is going to take you 2 minutes or less, do it immediately, otherwise it will cost you more to come back to it later. In this way you can focus your attention on those tasks that can really take more time and those that take less time to complete immediately.

  1. Is the meeting necessary?

Last but not least, to make the most of your time you should focus on whether the meetings you call are really important, as several studies show that meetings that are not well planned are a great waste of time. For this reason, before holding a meeting, consider whether it is necessary and if so, focus on organising it in the best possible way to avoid unnecessary waste of time.

If you start using these tips more often, you will be more productive and dedicated to your work so that you will not lose focus and you will not be overwhelmed.

However, if you are tired of your current job or are looking for new job opportunities, feel free to visit our website here. It's time to start your change.

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