
5 tips to avoid nervous when speaking in public.

March 29th 2022

Nerves when speaking in public are a natural response of our body to a stressful situation. In these circumstances, when we feel that something important is at stake, be it a meeting, a business opportunity or something else, our entire nervous system goes into “alert mode “and we start to feel the effect of adrenaline in our body. This process is normal and natural, but if you have an important appointment in which you have to speak in public and your nerves are killing you, here are some tips to help you face it more calmly and naturally.

     1. Organize all the materials.

Keeping in mind and organizing all your thoughts and materials helps you feel more relaxed and calmer. This can lead you to reduce your anxiety, thanks to the fact that you feel prepared because you know the contents and what to talk about at all times.

  1. Practice what you are going to present.

Write a script with those key points and practice it using it only as a reference. Think about and prepare different types of possible questions that the audience may ask you. Something that can help you a lot is to practice in front of a mirror, videotape yourself or rehearse your speech in front of friends or family members who can comment on those aspects to improve.

  1. Accept what may happen before it happens.

It is obvious that not everyone is always going to like you, that is why it is necessary to accept that you are going to do the best you can and that the world is not going to end if at the finish of the talk or meeting not everything goes as you had planned. Trust and believe in yourself and don't make assumptions about what the audience thinks about you. It is best to focus on conveying your ideas in the most effective way.

  1. Be aware of your breathing.

To ensure that everything goes according to plan, try to use diaphragmatic breathing, so that the speech can go well and you are not short of breath at any time. If you get used to breathing with your diaphragm you will calm your nerves. You can also use breathing techniques before making the speech.

  1. Release tension days before.

Exercising hours before the speech can help you oxygenate your brain and improve circulation so you can release tension and speak more relaxed and focused.

These are some of the tips that you can carry out to be able to speak in public in a calmer and more relaxed way. All of them are important, so we invite you to try them so that in your next speech you are not eaten by nerves and you can transmit the ideas you want with greater effectiveness.

We remind you that if you still have any doubts, remember that you can visit our social networks to learn some other tips. Also, if you are tired of your current job or are looking for an opportunity, do not hesitate to visit our website here, hundreds of offers are waiting for you.

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